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The REDress project: Bringing awareness to the missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada – Pincher Creek Echo

by pmnationtalk on October 2, 2015703 Views

October 2, 2015

Red dresses will hang from windows and flutter in trees across Canada on Oct. 4, as the public participates in the REDress project currently on display at the Human Rights Museum in Winnipeg, Man.

In artist Jaime Black’s exhibit, dresses hang hauntingly around an empty room, drawing focus to who isn’t there but should be. Those absent are the missing and murdered Aboriginal women across Canada.

“All of a sudden these pieces of clothing become people, there’s someone that wore that jacket, there is someone that had that dress on,” said Pincher Creek resident Judy Lee, who has seen the exhibit for herself.

Wendy Ryan brought the REDress project to Pincher Creek a few days early by decorating the tree in her front yard with women’s red clothing on Oct.1.

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