The Breaking Point has Been Reached with Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
The Breaking Point has Been Reached with Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
May 4, 2015, Treaty No.6, (Edmonton, Alberta)…a meeting of Indigenous leading experts and leaders came together to organize and collaborate in the prevention of Canada’s national crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). The “Framework for Action” meeting was lead by Grand Chief of Treaty No.6, Bernice Martial, and Chief of Cold Lake First Nation. The grassroots meeting was held outside of the Federal government’s round-table of MMIW.
“We need to act now so that our women don’t fall prey to these predators that exist in Canadian society. We have a map that shows that ten Indigenous women have been dumped on the outskirts of Edmonton. This is the marking of a serial killer and we believe that the recent report of the 70% of our women being murdered by our men doesn’t clearly take into account the serial killers in Canada and other vital statistics we have through our top, leading experts in this area. We will continue to fight for justice for the families and especially the orphans. These women no longer have a voice and Canada must face the reality that we have a national crisis on our hands and will not continue with this blame game and demand a national inquiry!” stated Grand Chief of Treaty No.6, Bernice Martial
“We collectively have the numbers we need and their isn’t anything we can’t do protect and provide a better future for our Indigenous Women. To have a better future, we need to get better today. We will protect our women and happy to see many of them here today,” stated Grand Chief of Treaty No.8, Steve Courteille.
“The issue of MMIW is at national and critical epidemic levels and is impacting all families, communities and Nations. Everyone must take responsibility to end violence. Indigenous peoples, especially Indigenous women and girls are still targets of Canada’s colonial governments. We are standing up and saying “that’s enough!” said Beverly Jacobs.
“This is a very important moment. It’s going to be the spiritual strength of our Peoples and our connection to our own lands that will help us with this issue. We are strong together and must unite for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women,” said Grand Chief Nepinak of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs.
“We are coming from a good place and wanting to protect our children, but we are targeted. First Nations women are less likely to be killed by our spouse compared to non-First Nations. We take issue with the RCMP statistics that have a level of bias and are adversarial with our Peoples. They clearly are going against their own policies. The numbers are skewed and the RCMP fails to properly investigate, the number of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women is far greater then the 1500. We don’t get equal protection of Canadian law,” said Dr. Pam Palmater.
“Indigenous Women live in a hostile environment in every area of existence in Canada. We went across the country and there wasn’t one place that we didn’t come across with racism against Indigenous Peoples that exists here in Canada. We need to end discrimination and violence against our women and it starts with all people living in this country,” said Muriel Stanley Venne of the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women.
The group will gather again in a month to follow up on the action plan and to add any new information on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. #MMIWInquiryNow, #thebreakingpoint
Nicole Robertson, President & Chief Communications Advisor
(403) 616-4999

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