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Statement for the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities for National Housing Day

by ahnationtalk on November 22, 202454 Views

From: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

November 22, 2024

National Housing Day is an important reminder that every Canadian deserves a place to call home. A home connects us to the communities where we live and work and gives us the stability to grow and thrive. It’s a place where we can feel safe and take care of our family, friends, and neighbours.

Today, we’re also reminded that, for too many, this still isn’t a reality. Indigenous Peoples are almost three times as likely as non-Indigenous populations to live in a home in need of major repairs. People with disabilities, persons with substance use issues, Veterans, and racialized groups also face higher rates of housing instability. While survivors of gender-based violence, women, and accompanied children are more likely to access shelters extensively over shorter periods.

I want to recognize the Canadians who face these hardships every day. But today is also an opportunity to come together with housing partners across all levels of government, non-profit sectors, Indigenous partners, and private organizations to be part of the solution.

Since 2017, the federal government has renewed its efforts to address Canada’s housing crisis with the launch of the National Housing Strategy and passage of the National Housing Strategy Act, which recognizes housing as a human right. Through the introduction of Canada’s Housing Plan last April, our government has continued to expand its leadership role in addressing the housing crisis to build more homes, make it easier to rent or own a home, and help Canadians who can’t afford a home.

The federal government is investing in building homes faster, streamlined city planning, reducing homebuilding costs, innovative construction methods, and infrastructure to build more housing at a price Canadians can afford. The Plan helps us puts the dream of homeownership in reach for younger generations and protects renters. It commits to providing affordable housing for students, seniors, and vulnerable communities. And it paves avenues for providing the supports necessary to help persons experiencing homelessness access housing.

This National Housing Day, the Government of Canada reaffirms its commitment to safe, quality, and affordable housing for everyone in Canada to raise their families, build their future, and reach their full potential.


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