Shaw Conference Centre Receives International Recognition
EDMONTON, AB – Green Key Global, a leading international environmental certification body evaluating sustainable venue operations, has awarded the prestigious “5 Green Keys” rating to Edmonton’s Shaw Conference Centre (SCC). A leader in the conventions and meetings industry, SCC becomes the first conference venue in Canada to receive this prestigious rating.
“We are very pleased to have the Shaw Conference Centre as a Green Key Meetings member and commend their dedication to sustainability. Being the first conference venue within Canada to receive a 5 key rating with the new Green Meetings standard demonstrates their commitment toward a more responsible and sustainable business event industry,” said Tony Pollard, Managing Director of Green Key Global.
Released today, SCC’s 2014 Sustainability Report Card demonstrates the convention centre’s commitment to sustainability throughout its operations. This annual benchmarking initiative allows the convention centre to track its commitment to sustainability and its contribution to Edmonton’s established reputation as an environmental leader. Major initiatives include a dedicated Sustainability Coordinator, LED energy reduction retrofit and the development of a sustainability meetings toolkit that provides all clients with sustainable options for their event.
“We are honoured to receive recognition as a leader in sustainable innovation. Sustainability is important to our community and we are continuously seeking new ways to reduce our carbon footprint while promoting green meetings within our industry,” said Cliff Higuchi, Vice-President and General Manager, Shaw Conference Centre.
In 2015, SCC plans to expand its sustainability program with new permaculture landscaping, incorporating self-guided interpretive tours that are inclusive of an aboriginal medicine wheel garden, urban bee colony and monarch butterfly preservation garden.
More information can be found at and by following SCC on Twitter or Facebook.
About The Shaw Conference Centre
The Shaw Conference Centre, which is owned by the City of Edmonton and managed by Edmonton Economic Development, is a top contributor to the meetings, conventions and special event business in Greater Edmonton, hosting about 700 events and half million guests each year, who in turn generate $50 million in spending across the province annually.
About Green Key Global
Green Key Global is a leading environmental certification body offering a suite of programs and resources designed specifically for the lodging industry. For more than 15 years its flagship program, the Green Key Eco-Rating Program, has been evaluating and certifying properties in North America and beyond on the scope of their sustainable initiatives. In support of this, Green Key simultaneously educates members on the value these initiatives have on an environmental, social and economic level. The Green Key Eco-Rating Program and its sister program, the Green Key Meetings Program, are comprehensive environmental audits that allow participants to benefit on several fronts – cost savings, increased bookings from environmentally conscious consumers and meeting planners and demonstration of responsible corporate citizenry. For more information visit
Media Contact:
Imran Gill
Manager Marketing & Communications, Shaw Conference Centre
Work: 780.969.0477
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