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Remembering Acadians Who Lost their Lives

by pmnationtalk on December 7, 2015622 Views

Annual Acadian Remembrance Day Ceremony Commemorates 1758 Deportation

December 7, 2015
Port-la-Joye—Fort Amherst National Historic Site
Parks Canada Agency

Parks Canada and the Société Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin invite the public to attend the eighth annual Acadian Remembrance Day Ceremony at Port-la-Joye—Fort Amherst National Historic Site on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.

The ceremony will begin in the multi-purpose building with students from École-sur-Mer in Summerside presenting a selection of music. This will be followed by a series of readings and official remarks relating to the Deportation of 1758, continued by a procession to the Acadian Odyssey Monument where the “Proclamation of the Acadian Day of Remembrance” will be read. Mylène Ouellette will lead the music including the singing of “Ave Maris Stella,” the Acadian national anthem, as well as a rendition of the Acadian chant, “Tout passe”. Refreshments will be available during a small reception immediately following the ceremony.

In the event of inclement weather, please check for cancellation updates on the Société Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin website at: or by calling 902-436-4881.

As we near the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017, the Government of Canada invites Canadians to experience and learn more about our environment and our heritage. Canada’s national parks and national historic sites enable Canadians to experience their history and heritage in a special way.

Quick Facts

  • Acadian Remembrance Day pays homage to the more than 3,000 Acadians who were deported from Isle Saint-Jean in 1758.
  • The 1758 deportation of Acadians from Prince Edward Island resulted in the deaths of more than half those deported.
  • Port-la-Joye—Fort Amherst National Historic Site was the site of the first permanent European settlement on Prince Edward Island. Three hundred French settlers arrived here and established a permanent settlement in 1720.


“Parks Canada is honoured to collaborate with the Société Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin to commemorate this page in our history.  The Acadian Day of Remembrance is an important day to reflect on the past and those who shaped the history of Prince Edward Island.”

Karen Jans, Field Unit Superintendent, Prince Edward Island, Parks Canada

“La Société Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin would like to invite the public to commemorate the courage of our ancestors at this year’s Acadian Remembrance Day ceremony. It is also an occasion to celebrate the vitality, perseverance and value of our people. This year’s ceremony will be attended by The Members of the Société Nationale de l’acadie, with representatives from the four Atlantic provinces.”

Guy LaBonté, President, Société Saint-Thomas d’Aquin

Associated Links
(in French only)


Jennifer Stewart
Communications Officer
Parks Canada, PEI Field Unit

Media Relations
Parks Canada

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