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Public Archaeology Program at Cluny Fortified Village in Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park

by ahnationtalk on May 11, 2015744 Views

May 20, 2015 12:00 am to June 23, 2015 12:00 am

Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park


Come work at an archaeological site! The University of Calgary is offering a volunteer excavation program at Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park. Participants will excavate alongside members of the Archaeology Field School at the famous Cluny Fortified Village site. First time participants will receive a tour of the archaeological site with the option of a tour of the Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park Interpretive Centre. Volunteers will be supervised by experienced University of Calgary graduate students. Training in archaeological excavation techniques will be provided on site. All artifacts from the site are the property of the Siksika Nation and, ultimately, will be stored at Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park Interpretive Centre.

The program will operate from 20 May to 23 June, 2015, Monday–Friday. Participants must commit to a minimum of two days with the program.

Cost consists of the daily admission fee to Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park ($12.00 + GST). Participants will meet with volunteer program supervisors at the Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park Interpretive Centre parking lot at 9:00 A.M. each day—please note that there are no overnight accommodation facilities at the park. The work day runs from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Minimum age of participation is 12. Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. All participants will be required to complete a Volunteer Liability Waiver Form and a Photography Waiver Form. The guardian of participants under the age of 18 must also complete an Informed Consent Form.

Visit to register, email or call 403-220-8537 for further information.

The Public Archaeology Program, the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, and the University of Calgary are not responsible for cancelled registrations or cancellations as the result of severe weather conditions. In the event of severe weather conditions, the Public Archaeology Program will attempt to contact excavation participants either the night before or early on the day of excavation. Changing weather conditions in the field may require cancellation of the workday while at the site. In either case, no refunds of the Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park admission fee or costs relating to travel to the park will be provided. Participants may re-register for alternative participation dates, but there is no guarantee that there will be other dates available in the excavation program.


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