Premier Prentice comments on latest Keystone XL developments
Premier Jim Prentice issued the following statement after the White House said U.S. President Barack Obama would veto Keystone XL pipeline legislation:
“I continue to be encouraged by the level of broad public and bipartisan support in the United States that is developing around the Keystone XL pipeline project.
“Alberta is committed to responsible energy development, which firmly positions us as a safe, secure and responsible energy supplier and we will continue to advocate on behalf of Keystone XL.
“I will be traveling to Washington within the next month to communicate that this project is in the best interests of Canadians and Americans alike and to provide facts about the environmental standards of our oil and gas industry, which are among the highest in the world.
“This Government will continue our efforts to realize the potential of our energy resources and reach out to global markets.”
Media inquiries
Emily Woods
Press Secretary, Office of the Premier

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