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Overcome with emotion’: First Nations student named Rhodes scholar – CTV

by ahnationtalk on November 27, 2015531 Views

November 27, 2015

The first Canadian First Nations student to be awarded a Rhodes Scholarship says he’s hoping to serve as an inspiration to other indigenous people, while also changing the way First Nations people are so often portrayed.

Billy-Ray Belcourt, a member of the Driftpile Cree Nation, near Joussard, Alb., who’s been studying Comparative Literature student at the University of Alberta, says he was “overcome with emotion” when he learned he had been chosen for the prestigious scholarship. The first person he called was his grandmother, who he says was a major force in his upbringing.

Because he was in tears, she assumed something was terribly wrong, but when he told her the good news, “we started crying together and sort of rejoicing in the success,” he told CTV’s Canada AM Friday from Edmonton.

Rhodes scholarships are awarded to 89 scholars every year, including 11 Canadians, to allow them to complete postgraduate work at the University of Oxford in England. They are awarded on the basis of “exceptional intellect, character, leadership, and commitment to service.”

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