Nominations open for Alberta’s highest honour
Albertans are invited to nominate outstanding citizens, community leaders and innovators for membership in the Alberta Order of Excellence.
Up to 10 people will be inducted into the Order this year to recognize their remarkable contributions to their community, the province and the nation.
Members of the Order come from all walks of life. They can be people with an extraordinary impact in business, labour, the political sphere, or in Alberta’s indigenous community – and beyond.
They may be from the fields of medicine, science, engineering or law. They may be from the non-profit and voluntary sector, from education, agriculture, multicultural groups or the arts.
The deadline for nominations has been extended this year to March 18. Nominations received after that date, and nominations not selected in 2016, may be held and considered for up to seven years.
Nominees must be Canadian citizens currently residing in Alberta and, if selected, must be able to attend the investiture ceremony in October. People cannot nominate themselves, their spouse or a member of their immediate family.
Information about the Order, including nomination guidelines, nomination forms and biographies of previous inductees is available on the Alberta Order of Excellence website at
Information and nomination forms are also available by calling 780-449-0517.
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Media inquiries
Katherine Huising
Chief of Protocol

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