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New bursaries available for AU’s 50th Anniversary

by ahnationtalk on December 6, 2019584 Views

The first deadline of January 15 is quickly approaching for the Athabasca University 50th Anniversary I-CARE Completion Bursaries, which will provide successful undergraduate and graduate applicants with a tuition credit for a single three-credit course registration in the applicant’s program of study. A second round of these bursaries will be awarded with a July 15 deadline.

While the goal is to provide 50 bursaries, one for every year Athabasca University has been serving our learners, that number may vary slightly depending on program of the successful applicants.

This completion bursary is intended to assist AU program students to complete their education without interruption to their studies due to financial need.

“We know there are students who are forced to postpone their studies for financial reasons, and these bursaries will help ease that burden,” said Richard MacLeod, Registrar and Chair of AU’s Student Awards Committee.

To be eligible to apply, learners must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at AU, must have no more than 15 AU undergraduate credits or no more than nine graduate credits left to complete their program, a minimum GPA of 2.0, and must be able to demonstrate financial need.

The I-CARE Completion Bursaries are among the hundreds of awards provided for Athabasca University learners, including several awards for Indigenous learners and awards from the Government of Alberta that have upcoming application deadlines.

Don’t miss out! To see a full list of student awards, and for information on how to apply, visit the Registrar’s student awards website. To find an award that you might qualify for, you can use the Student Award Finder.


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