Media Advisory: Minister Philpott to Convene two-day Emergency Meeting on First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation Child and Family Services
Ottawa – Please be advised that the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Indigenous Services, will convene a two-day emergency meeting on Indigenous Child and Family Services. This meeting will include Indigenous leaders, Provincial and Territorial Ministers, community technicians, youth representatives, experts and advocates. The purpose of this meeting is to identify shared priorities and a path forward in reforming Indigenous child and family services (with distinctions based approaches) to put the needs of children and families first.
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 & Friday, January 26, 2018
Shaw Centre
55 Colonel By Dr.
Ottawa, ON
K1N 9J2
Media will be invited to the morning portions of the main plenary each day. A media room has also been allocated for work space. Please note a more detailed media advisory will be issued next week before the meeting.
To be accredited, please contact INAC Media Relations:
For more information:
Andrew MacKendrick
Office of the Honourable Jane Philpott,
Minister of Indigenous Services
INAC Media Relations

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