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Marking the 13th CAMSC Business Achievement Awards

by pmnationtalk on September 11, 2017978 Views


Marking the 13th CAMSC Business Achievement Awards

Gala Offers Intimate Networking Opportunity to Indigenous and Minority-Owned Businesses
and Leading North American Corporations

Join us for our 13th Business Achievement Awards Gala. This annual event recognizes corporate leaders in supplier diversity and showcase successful certified Indigenous and minority suppliers at CAMSC. It will take place on September 28, 2017 at the Liberty Grand in Toronto. We seek to celebrate accomplishments such as growth in sales, innovative solutions, employment opportunities, and community development. It’s a great opportunity to learn, network and continue to develop exciting business prospects.

Marking the 13th CAMSC Business Achievement Awards

Register here:

Awards Finalists
Supplier of the Year Nulogy
Ongweoweh Corp
Trinity Tech Inc
Small Business of the Year The Carter Benette Group (CBG)
J & M Group
Walker Law
CATA Technology Innovation The Carter Benette Group (CBG)
J & M Group
Ongweoweh Corp
Corporation of the Year ABC Group
Data Communication Management
Procurement Business Advocate of Year City of Toronto
Jen McAvoy (Cotton Candy)
Kiruba Sankar (RBC)
 Collaboration of the Year: EY
Sodexo Canada
Redwood Classics Apparel

Congratulations to all the finalists!

CAMSC (Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council) is a non-profit organization created in 2004 to advance the economic strength of Indigenous and visible minority communities through business development and employment. CAMSC’s mission is to facilitate business relationships with Canadian corporations dedicated to diversity and supplier organizations owned by Indigenous and minorities. Since its inception in 2004, corporate members have spent more than $3 Billion with CAMSC certified Indigenous and minority-owned businesses.

For more information contact Erika Dawson T: 416 941-0004 ext 229

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