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Jeff Copenace appointed Senior Vice President of First Peoples Group

by mmnationtalk on May 11, 20161054 Views


Jeff Copenace appointed Senior Vice President of First Peoples Group

May 10, 2016 • Ottawa •

First Peoples Group President and Senior Partner Guy Freedman is honoured to announce the appointment of Jeffrey (Jeff) Copenace as Senior Vice President and Partner.

‘Jeff is an exceptional leader and has had an outstanding career working with and for the needs of Indigenous peoples throughout Canada both as public servant and a consultant. I know in my heart that he will be instrumental in helping us build on the vision I had when I first started this company a decade ago,’ said Freedman.

‘I am so pleased to be working with such a knowledge-rich and dynamic team at First Peoples Group.  The landscape is changing in Canada with a more committed directive towards Indigenous peoples and it is an exciting era,’ said Copenace.

He added, ‘First Peoples Group has the experience, vision and innovation to facilitate new relationships within companies and organizations, educational bodies and policy institutions in a thoughtful way.  Now is the time to empower the contributions of the Original peoples of this land and our knowledge systems.  Miigwetch to First Peoples Group for this tremendous opportunity and important responsibility.’

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