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INVITATION TO MEDIA – Organizations Host a Press Conference to Urge the Albertan Government to Support the Federal Net-Zero Electricity Grid Target

by ahnationtalk on August 28, 2023152 Views

CALGARY, AB, Aug. 28, 2023 – Four Albertan environmental organizations, including Alberta Beyond Fossil Fuels, the Alberta Renewable Energy Alliance, Climate Plan Alberta and For Our Kids Alberta, are hosting a press conference to support the federal target for a clean electricity grid by 2035. All members of the media are invited to attend.

Key details for the press conference include:

Aug. 30, 2023

10:00 a.m., MDT

McDougall Centre
455 6 St Southwest
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4A2

The conference aims to urge the Albertan government to support the 2035 federal target for a net-zero electricity grid, criticize the recent moratorium on renewable energy, and encourage Albertans to write their MLAs and Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz.

Clean Energy in Alberta

Canada’s federal government aims to make the electricity grid net zero by 2035. This would decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 342 million tonnes between 2024 and 2050.

Alberta’s premier, Danielle Smith, made it clear that she did not support this plan when she said, “We will never allow these regulations to be implemented here, full stop,”

These comments came two weeks after the UCP announced a seven-month pause on wind and solar projects that are greater than one megawatt. This pause will last until Feb. 29, 2024, and according to the Pembina Institute:

“Public data shows that 118 projects are currently in development and are either waiting for permitting approval or could submit an approval application within the next few months. These projects represent at least $33 billion of investment and more than 24,000 job-years.”

The organizations hosting this press conference urge the provincial government to embrace the clean electricity grid plan and cancel the wind and solar moratorium.

“Embracing clean energy is a great opportunity for the UCP to support local jobs. Alberta has a surplus of trained energy professionals with skills transferable to the renewable sector. We should take advantage of opportunities to be innovative leaders in the energy transition,” says Roger Gagne, the founder of Climate Plan Alberta.

About the Press Conference Hosts

Alberta Beyond Fossil Fuels advocates for phase-out by publishing feature articles discussing the complicated relationship between Alberta and fossil fuels.

Alberta Renewable Energy Alliance is a meetup group that encourages the discussion of renewable energy to a larger audience while providing an open platform for leaders.

Climate Plan Alberta unites businesses, faith groups, NGOs, First Nations and municipalities in calling for a credible climate plan for Alberta.

For Our Kids is a national network of parents, caregivers, and concerned citizens who organize demonstrations, fundraisers and more on behalf of children.

These four organizations ask that concerned Albertans write their local MLAs and environment minister Rebecca Shultz, asking that the UCP embrace the federal clean electricity grid target.

You can email Rebecca Shulz at

For media inquiries: Jenna Wenkoff,, 587-577-7878


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