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Inuk MP urges Métis, First Nations to stand in solidarity over Bill C-53 –

by ahnationtalk on November 9, 202387 Views

November 9th, 2023

“…that division is not of our own making, though, as Indigenous peoples. It’s because of the history of Canada that has created this situation.” — legal counsel Jason Madden

Diverging views on the proposed Métis self-governance legislation Bill C-53 prompted one member of Parliament with the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs to ask why there is such divisiveness among Indigenous peoples.

“It seems like (the bill) is bringing about a lot of resentment and division and this bothers me. It saddens me… I want to encourage you to lean towards solidarity as Indigenous people,” said Nunavut NDP MP Lori Idlout, who is Inuk.

The committee meeting Nov. 7 was one of a handful held on the Bill, with more than a dozen witnesses who either supported C-53, which gives official recognition to certain Métis governments in Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, or who wanted to see the Bill scrapped.

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