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First Nations Power Authority (FNPA) 5th Annual Indigenous Green Energy Forum at River Cree Resort at Enoch Cree Nation on November 19 & 20th, 2019

by pmnationtalk on October 30, 2019702 Views

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 30th, 2019

Treaty No.6, (Edmonton, AB)…First Nations Power Authority (FNPA) is pleased to host the 5th Annual Indigenous Green Energy Forum at River Cree Resort at Enoch Cree Nation on November 19 & 20th, 2019. This year will mark FNPA’s 2nd Annual Chairman’s Gala where attendees will hear from the Government of Alberta’s Minister Rick Wilson, Indigenous Relations provide their vision on a commitment to help strengthen Indigenous involvement in Alberta’s energy future, where future energy infrastructure related projects will enable new equity participation opportunities from Indigenous communities in Alberta.

“First Nations Power Authority is honoured and very proud to host Indigenous Relations Minister Rick Wilson from the Government of Alberta where he seeks input and guidance on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation direction. Although new to Alberta, FNPA is confident that our 128 and growing general and industry members will find new opportunities for their renewable and alternative energy projects. We will continue to focus on investments with this new government,” said Guy Lonechild, President and CEO of First Nations Power Authority.

As a forward-looking organization, FNPA recognizes the socio-economic challenges that come with the increasing cost of electricity, where sustainability for many Indigenous communities can be resolved with building new transmission lines, developing new green infrastructure and Indigenous-owned green energy assets that contributes to their own greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions.

“The Canadian electricity sector has become a trusted partner of Indigenous communities across Canada and we will continue to build on this mutually beneficial relationship in the decades ahead. With an estimated $1.7 trillion dollars required for new electricity infrastructure projects between now and 2050, electricity companies are committed to advancing economic reconciliation with Indigenous communities through project partnerships, procurement practices, employment, skills training, and cultural awareness initiatives, among others”, says Francis Bradley, President & Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Electricity Association.

“First Nation Power Authority (FNPA) is still breaking new ground for renewable energy development in Canada and assisting First Nations in creating their own power generation and utility companies. As the first and only Indigenous governed, not-for – profit organization of its kind in North America, FNPA got its start by connecting Indigenous communities and Corporate Canada in the development of environmentally preferred power generation projects with a crown utility in Saskatchewan. You will hear from leading CEO’s, Indigenous and non-Indigenous and their corporate plans for this cleaner energy future within Canada,” concluded Lonechild.

FNPA sees expansion into the Yukon, NWT, Manitoba, and Ontario as viable options going forward. “We believe that indigenous communities want to be one day self-reliant establishing a strong role in delivering a lower cost of electricity by building green infrastructure and wealth creation opportunities for not only their own but other Indigenous communities”, said Felix Thomas, Chairman of First Nations Power Authority.



For more Information please contact:
Nicole Robertson, Communications Advisor (403) 616-4999
Rebecca Agecoutay, Membership Manager, First Nations Power Authority 1-866-359-3675

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