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Federal election candidates want residential school trial settled out of court – CBC

by pmnationtalk on October 1, 2015607 Views

Sep 30, 2015

As former residential school students from this province fight for an apology and compensation for abuse suffered in the 1950s and 60s, three federal candidates feel the lawsuit should be settled out of court.

The trial began on Monday.

More than 1,000 aboriginals say they were abused in residential schools in Newfoundland and Labrador.

They’re fighting for the same apology and compensation Ottawa gave other residential school victims across Canada in 2008. That’s when Prime Minister Stephen Harper apologized in the House of Commons.  However Inuit and Innu from this province were excluded.

Liberal Seamus O’Regan, New Democrat Jack Harris and Conservative Peter Penashue all agree that the lawsuit should be settled by the federal government.

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