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Farmers in County of Newell Showcase Their Agricultural Practices for Alberta Open Farm Days – Rural Roots Canada

by ahnationtalk on August 15, 202462 Views

August 15, 2024

Brooks (Rural Roots Canada) – The County of Newell, Alberta is a picturesque agricultural region located about two hours southeast of Calgary. It should come as no surprise that the county and its farmers are embracing Alberta Open Farm Days like never before.

This year, the county, nestled in southeast Alberta, has seven farms showcasing its diverse agricultural richness, vibrant agri-tourism industry, and unique rural charm, making it a perfect stop for the annual celebration of local farming.

One of the newest participants this year is Niznik Ranches. A 104-year-old family farm run by Jodi Niznik and her family, she says navigating their first experience with Alberta Open Farm Days feels a bit like having a blindfold on. “We don’t really know what to expect and are just going to go with it and do our best!”

Despite the mix of excitement and nervousness, Niznik Ranches is eager to welcome everyone to the farm while providing guests with a hands-on experience that best represents the heart of their operation.

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