Enjoy free admission at Alberta’s provincial historic sites and museums during Alberta Culture Days

by ahnationtalk on September 21, 2015736 Views

Sep 18, 2015

Alberta families will be able to visit many of Alberta’s historic sites and museums for free as the province celebrates Alberta Culture Days, September 25-27.

As part of the celebrations, 14 of the historic sites and museums will be offering family-friendly events and activities for visitors during the weekend. Some activities may have additional fees.

Highlights include:

Head Smashed-in Buffalo Jump (Fort MacLeod):

Free interpretive tours, demonstrations by First Nations artists and buffalo-themed culinary treats.

Reynolds-Alberta Museum (Wetaskiwin):

Step behind the velvet ropes with the special White Glove Tour of the museum, and you can make your own thaumatrope.

Frank Slide Interpretive Centre (Crowsnest Pass):

Activities include an evening under the stars accompanied by a concert and presentation on the night sky by the Lethbridge Astronomy Society.

Oil Sands Discovery Centre (Fort McMurray):

Activities include interactive exhibits and interpretive films at the Dr. Karl Clark exhibit.

A complete list of participating provincial historic sites and museums is available online.

“Alberta Culture Days is a celebration of our province’s art, heritage and communities. I encourage all Albertans to get out and visit one of our historic sites or museums. This is a perfect opportunity to share Alberta’s culture with more people, and grow a stronger appreciation for all the things that make this province great.”

David Eggen, Minister of Culture and Tourism

These three creative and energetic days kick off on Friday, September 25. Throughout the province, local communities will also be putting on hundreds of free, interactive events and activities, offering something for everyone. Albertans can use the Alberta Culture Calendar or download the calendar mobile app for iOS to plot their own Culture Days adventures.

Follow us on Twitter @AlbertaCulture and #ABCultureDays, or like us on Facebook to get information on all the activities going on in the province.

Alberta Culture Days runs September 25-27, and is part of the national Culture Days movement. It includes more than 800 communities, from coast to coast, and is helping to increase the awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of Canadians in the arts and cultural life of their communities.

Media inquiries
Jeremy Nolais
Press Secretary, Culture and Tourism


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