Enbridge taking time on deciding next move on Northern Gateway pipeline – CTV
December 3, 2015
CALGARY — Enbridge’s CEO says a decision on whether or not to build the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline across British Columbia may come in late 2016, though the company is not concerned with sticking to a certain timeline.
Al Monaco also says a ban on tanker traffic along B.C.’s north coast, made official by the new Trudeau Liberal government last month, does not mean Enbridge is giving up — even though many critics have said the ban effectively kills the project.
Monaco says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr have both shown they’re open to listen to Enbridge’s point of view and have talked about the importance of opening new markets for Canadian crude.
Read More: http://www.ctvnews.ca/business/enbridge-taking-time-on-deciding-next-move-on-northern-gateway-pipeline-1.2684990