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David Staples: Some Inuit are proud Edmonton football team called Eskimos – Edmonton Journal

by pmnationtalk on December 2, 2015500 Views

December 1, 2015

Don’t get rid of the name Edmonton Eskimos.

That’s not just me saying that. That’s Inuit saying it.

Many of them don’t see the name as an insult, but as an honour, even if that’s not the message coming from Natan Obed, the new president of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), Canada’s national Inuit organization.

Obed argues it’s time to axe the Eskimos name for Edmonton’s football team. “The word Eskimo is not only outdated, it is now largely considered a derogatory term, ” he wrote in the Globe & Mail last week.

“The CFL football team does not honour our culture, our history, our present, or our future. The name is an enduring relic of colonial power. That force enabled Indigenous identity to be appropriated and redefined as a branding tool for non-Indigenous entertainment, during a time when our children were taken from us, our lands were being developed without our consent, and we were being moved around as human flagpoles for Canadian Arctic sovereignty.”

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