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Creating year-round adventure in Alberta

by ahnationtalk on November 8, 202447 Views

Nov 07, 2024

Proposed legislation will create a made-in-Alberta approach to grow Alberta’s visitor economy, create jobs and welcome billions of dollars of private investment.

Alberta’s government has a bold and ambitious goal of growing the province’s visitor economy from $10 billion in annual visitor spending to $25 billion annually by 2035. The development of all-season, year-round resorts is key to reaching this goal, as outlined in Alberta’s provincial tourism strategy.

If passed, the All-Season Resorts Act will support Alberta’s economy by incentivizing the responsible development of year-round destinations in our province, giving visitors and Albertans alike more opportunities to stay and play.

The development of all-season resorts will attract billions in private capital investment to the province, increase tourism, and give Albertans more opportunities to enjoy their own backyard, while maintaining Alberta’s world-class environmental standards. This proposed legislation will allow those who share Alberta’s government’s vision for sustainable tourism development to create unparalleled experiences in our province.

“By incentivizing the responsible and sustainable development of all-season resorts, Alberta will grow our year-round tourism offerings, bolstering our local businesses, creating jobs, and generating tax revenue. By unlocking the potential of our natural resources above the ground – namely the beauty of our landscapes and the warm hospitality of Albertans – we can continue to diversify the province’s economy and position Alberta as the best place in the world to live, play, and visit.”

Joseph Schow, Minister of Tourism and Sport

Alberta currently has no all-season resorts on its provincial Crown lands. In comparison, British Columbia (B.C.) introduced an all-season resort policy decades ago, and now has over 13 significant all-season resorts on provincial Crown lands which inject more than $2 billion annually into B.C.’s economy. The success of B.C.’s similar policy has shown that tourism can grow successfully while preserving natural spaces.

The development of all-season resorts in Alberta will result in significant economic benefit for the province, with an additional $2 billion in annual visitor spending and an additional $4 billion in GDP expected within the first 10 years of the proposed legislation coming into force.

“The All-Season Resorts Act is a powerful catalyst for economic growth, paving the way for expanded year-round tourism and new development opportunities across Alberta. This Act enables the growth of high-quality, locally accessible resorts that will drive revenue into rural regions, support local businesses, and diversify Alberta’s economy. Albertans have expressed their desire for increased access to year-round recreation, and this legislation answers that call.”

Darren Reeder, president and CEO, Tourism Industry Association of Alberta

“This is an exciting moment for the future of sustainable tourism in Alberta. The Government of Alberta’s commitment to developing all-season resorts aligns closely with our own vision for Canmore and Kananaskis as a destination that offers high-quality, year-round experiences. This approach will allow us to better manage visitor demand, create better visitor experiences, and focus on responsible tourism practices that protect the natural beauty of our region.”

Rachel Ludwig, CEO, Tourism Canmore Kananaskis

If passed, the All-Season Resorts Act will establish a clear, straightforward resort development approval process, which will create the investment certainty necessary to attract private capital into the province’s tourism sector. Centralizing these processes within the Ministry of Tourism and Sport will ensure that projects are appropriately prioritized, balancing economic development, the creation of jobs, and environmental protections.

“This is an important and meaningful advancement that will help Alberta compete on the global stage by utilising natural assets for healthy outdoor recreation. Destination development helps communities throughout the province diversify their local economies and employment opportunities, and improves the quality of life for residents through physical and mental wellbeing.”

Christopher Nicolson, president & CEO, Canada West Ski Areas Association

The proposed All-Season Resorts Act will support the responsible, sustainable revitalization of underused spaces across the province, while mitigating environmental impacts and preventing the unnecessary disturbance of Alberta’s pristine landscapes.

“As we pursue a brighter future for our Nation, we must balance economic growth with responsible development. We are optimistic that this new legislation will provide increased opportunities for our participation in meaningful and co-developed projects.”

Ryan Robb, CEO, Chiniki First Nation

Any development proposed under the All-Season Resorts Act will be required to maintain rigorous environmental reviews and engagement with Indigenous Peoples, ensuring that all necessary approvals are obtained. By focusing development on well-managed areas, Alberta’s heritage and protected spaces will be preserved for generations of residents and visitors alike.

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