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Community-driven collective aims to learn from and empower Indigenous caregivers through research – Folio

by ahnationtalk on November 14, 202456 Views

November 14, 2024

U of A researcher receives funding to foster a network of support, resources and advocacy for caregivers of children, youth and adults with autism.

Indigenous people face unique challenges in the health-care system, especially when it comes to services for those with autism. First Nations people who live on federally established reserves have limited access to caregiver support and resources that others can easily use and may even take for granted. This is mainly because on-reserve health care is the responsibility of the federal government, but most autism services are delivered by provincial and territorial health authorities.

Another issue is there has been very little research done on the prevalence of autism in Indigenous populations. The most recent data on autism prevalence in Canada specifically excluded individuals living on First Nations reserves.

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