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CINA By Election Notice for July 18

by pmnationtalk on June 21, 20161285 Views


CINA By Election Notice for July 18

Only qualified candidates will be allowed to run for the position of President Elect

Jun 20, 2016


The purpose of these protocols is to ensure that participation in CINA’s by-election process is done within parameters set out by the CINA Board of Directors and that the process is open and transparent, in accordance with CINA by-law #1.


  1. As per CINA Board Motion #2016-06-09 CINA Directors are not allowed to sign nomination forms.
  2. Only qualified candidates will be allowed to run for the position of President Elect; list of qualifications can be found in the Roles and Responsibilities document
  3. Both the Nominator and Nominee must be CINA members in good standing
  4. Verbal campaigning is allowed
  5. CINA Board members’ role is to support the nomination process and act as ambassadors


  • June 18, 2016: Distribution of Nomination Forms and By-Election Notice
  • June 18 to July 1 2016: Nomination Process
  • July 1, 2016: Close of Nomination Process
  • July 1 to July 18 2016: Candidate Campaign Period
  • July 18: By-Election Date


Step #1 Receiving nominations. Completed nomination forms shall be forwarded to the CINA head office on or before July 1, 2016.

Step #2 Review. The CINA Nominations Committee will review nomination forms to verify information and confirm nominees qualify for the position of President-Elect. Nominees will be notified immediately of their candidacy status.

Step #3 Campaigning. Nominees are encouraged to a draft one-page biography highlighting their credentials and experience. These should be forwarded to the CINA head office in Ottawa upon confirmation of candidacy status, for posting on the CINA website and national distribution. Candidates should feel free to begin campaigning immediately. The campaign period runs for a full 18 days.



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