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Celebrating rural success: Minister Sigurdson

by ahnationtalk on October 22, 202454 Views

Oct 21, 2024

Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation RJ Sigurdson issued the following statement on rural successes during Small Business Week:

“Small Business Week allows us to celebrate small business and community success in rural Alberta. Rural communities have long played a crucial role in Alberta’s growth and economy. To support them, we continue to implement our Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan, a five-year commitment to foster rural economic growth in Alberta with a focus on rural business supports and entrepreneurship.

“One of the plan’s key initiatives is the Small Community Opportunity Program. Through this program, we pledged $6 million to provide financial backing for Indigenous and small communities to tackle challenges and tap into opportunities to grow their local economic footprint.

“Through the first round of program funding in 2023-24, we awarded up to $3 million for 43 projects across the province that are on track to develop their local economies by building capacity in the agriculture and small business sectors. Of these projects, 29 were awarded to small communities, three to Indigenous communities and 11 to the non-profit sector.

“Through the plan’s Capacity Building Grant Project, rural economic development organizations like Young Agrarians and Alberta Women Entrepreneurs also received funding to help teach business skills and offer training and mentorship opportunities.

“I encourage all Albertans to join me in celebrating our rural businesses, agricultural societies and the hard-working rural residents who strengthen Alberta’s agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. When our rural communities succeed, Alberta is made stronger.”

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