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CAMSC to Bring Prominent Leaders in Auto Industry to Windsor

by pmnationtalk on May 28, 2018926 Views


According to the results of the recent study, Canada’s demographic landscape is rapidly changing. By 2031, more than 1 in 3 Canadians will be Aboriginal or minority. Take Toronto as an example, almost 50 per cent of its population is Aboriginal and minority.

Over the past 15 years, Aboriginal and minorities have been buying and starting businesses significantly faster than Canadians. Successful Aboriginal and minority-owned businesses boost employment in their communities, expand the tax base and increase competitiveness in the market. Despite that, people with diverse backgrounds bring innovative ideas and new creative ways of thinking. Subsequently, the significance of supplier diversity is obvious. That is exactly what Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC) has as its mission – be a strong advocate for the supplier diversity in the Canadian market.

CAMSC is a Canadian national nonprofit organization that aims to boost economic development efforts and employment by offering a variety of programs and services to its certified Aboriginal and minority-owned businesses and corporate members. The organization was created in 2014, and since then, over $3 billion was spent on its certified businesses.

On June 6, CAMSC is hosting a Windsor Cross Border B2B Forum (Caboto Club, 2175 Parent Ave., Windsor, 1 – 4:30 p.m.) for emerging and established Aboriginal, minority and diverse-owned businesses to explore business opportunities in corporate Canada’s supply chain. The Forum will give attending companies an opportunity to present themselves to prospective buyers that will be represented by such international automotive corporations as FCA, GM, Flex-N-Gate, Magna, Toyota and more. It is also an opportunity for the companies to meet and recruit prospective suppliers.

This year, the Forum will feature Business Opportunity Round-table discussions. During each Round-table session, which will be 20 minutes long, a participating corporate company will be hosting a table and talking about its buying trends and needs, its commitment to supply chain diversity, emerging project opportunities, key requirements and next steps for the business collaboration.

CAMSC’s Corporate Members, representatives from General Motors, Kelly Services and Magna International will be the guest speakers during the Panel Presentation. The panelists will discuss how CAMSC certification can grow your business through the three-group connection process: Corporate – CAMSC – Certified Supplier. Another highlight of the Forum will be Supplier Diversity Showcases devoted to the success stories of CAMSC certified suppliers.

An hour-long networking session will make sure the invited corporations meet with a wide range of manufacturing, logistics, transportation, construction and indirect suppliers serving the multiple industries sectors in both Canada and the USA. And vice versa, it will encourage Aboriginal and minority-owned companies to network and promote their products and services to corporate members.

Learn what it means to be CAMSC certified and how it provides you with the connections to gain market access. For more information, please visit or contact the event organizer Erin Summers, Manager, Supplier Business Development at 416-941-0004, ext. 225 or by email

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