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Café Daughter gets its Alberta première – Edmonton Journal

by ahnationtalk on November 26, 2015502 Views

November 25, 2015

There was nothing complacently Canuck about the story of cultural identity that Cree playwright Kenneth T. Williams stumbled across a decade and a half ago.

At its heart was a trajectory of aboriginal struggle and stereotype-busting achievement. But it was cross-veined with two different, competing kinds of racism in this country. And its backstory was a bizarre ’50s law, one that forbade Chinese-owned businesses — like the cafés that dotted the prairie landscape in every small town — from hiring white women.

“It was designed to protect the morals of white women,” explains Williams. “Wow! It haunted me. And nobody knew.”

As Williams reveals, the route to Café Daughter, his award-winning solo play finally getting its Alberta première Thursday after cross-Canada travels, was nearly as long and zig-zaggy as his own career. The moment Williams discovered Dr. Lillian Eva Quan Dyck, he knew he had his story.

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