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Brandi Morin: On anniversary of my arrest, I’ve emerged as a warrior armed with words – Ricochet Media

by ahnationtalk on January 10, 202530 Views

One year ago today, the bitter Edmonton winter bit deeper than usual as I found myself in handcuffs – arrested for doing my job as a journalist covering a police raid on an Indigenous homeless encampment. The irony was stark: an Indigenous journalist detained on ancestral lands while documenting the displacement of her own people.

That January morning marked the beginning of what would become one of the darkest chapters of my career. The physical discomfort of the cold concrete cell floor paled in comparison to the psychological weight that settled over me in the weeks that followed. I questioned everything – my purpose, my choices, my future in journalism. Some nights found me curled in the fetal position, my thoughts spiraling as I looked at my six-year-old daughter and wondered what kind of mother I had become.

When an officer had demanded that I leave the scene that day, I could have walked away. It would have been easier, and safer. But walking away would have meant abandoning my responsibility as a witness to truth. Our people face disproportionate police violence, yet accountability remains elusive. Each story left untold is another thread of justice frayed.

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