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Athabasca U: Scholarships and bursary deadlines quickly approaching

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by ahnationtalk on January 9, 2020562 Views

Do you need a cash injection to help you start or continue your studies with Athabasca University? Then we have good news for you.

Athabasca University offers hundreds of bursaries and scholarships each year, and dozens of those student awards are up for grabs with application deadlines of January 15, 2020, and February 15, 2020.

“Athabasca University is committed to breaking down barriers that prevent learners from access to and success in post-secondary programs,” said Richard MacLeod, Registrar and Chair of the Student Awards Committee. “The many student awards we have available, including the ones with quickly approaching deadlines, have helped many of our learners transform their lives.”

A full listing of the available awards can be found on the Student Awards website.

Awards with rapidly approaching deadlines include many aimed specifically at Indigenous learners, as well as several provided by the Government of Alberta, and are listed below.

Indigenous-focused awards

The Carter Yellowbird Indigenous Bursary is awarded annually to an Indigenous learner enrolled in one of AU’s undergraduate programs, and is awarded based on demonstrated financial need.

The Indigenous Technology Bursary is available to Indigenous learners in an undergraduate program who face identified technological obstacles to continuing academic study at AU.

The MEF Metis Scholar Awards help alleviate the costs of tuition and learning resources to encourage the post-secondary achievement of Métis undergraduate students while attending AU.

The Indigenous Careers Award, provided by the Government of Alberta, is intended to encourage a larger proportion of Indigenous Albertans to pursue and complete post-secondary studies that lead to high-demand career outcomes in Alberta.

Government of Alberta awards

Additional Government of Alberta awards available to non-Indigenous learners have quickly approaching deadlines as well.

The Dr. Gary McPherson Leadership Scholarship recognizes students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, especially in the area of disability advocacy and/or initiative to improve the conditions and lives of others.

The Jason Lang Scholarship recognizes and awards Alberta post-secondary students for their academic achievements and encourages them to continue in their undergraduate or professional program of study.

The Laurence Decore Award for Student Leadership, named in honour of the former Edmonton mayor and leader of the Alberta Liberal Party, recognizes post-secondary students who have demonstrated outstanding dedication and leadership to fellow students and to their community.

The Lois Hole Humanities and Social Science Scholarship, named in honour of Alberta’s former Lieutenant Governor, recognizes students who demonstrate leadership and community service.

The Louise McKinney Scholarship recognizes and awards students for their academic achievements and encourages them to continue in their undergraduate or professional program of study.

Other awards

Learners can also apply for the Athabasca University 50th Anniversary I-CARE Completion Bursaries to help celebrate half a century of supporting learners. Read more about the completion bursaries.

For more information about these or any other awards offered at AU, visit the Student Awards website. You can also read more about AU’s programs and courses.


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