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Alberta Energy Regulator Issues Laughable Fine to Foreign Oil Company That Released 5.3 Million Litres of Toxic Wastewater into Peace-Athabasca Watershed

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by ahnationtalk on August 23, 202472 Views

FORT CHIPEWYAN, AB, Aug. 23, 2024  – The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation condemns the Alberta Energy Regulator’s weak response to one of the worst environmental disasters in Alberta’s history.

In a ruling made public today, the AER found Exxon-Imperial in contravention of section 227(e) of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.

Instead of taking meaningful action that would deter future incidents, the AER has given the green light to other companies who want to dump toxic waste into Alberta’s drinking water supply.

“The Alberta Energy Regulator has sent a clear message to companies around the world – Come here and dump all of your toxic waste into our drinking water. The penalties for doing so are so small as to be meaningless,” said ACFN Chief Allan Adam. “This ridiculously small fine just shows that Alberta, with its weak regulations, is the problem. Now, the only question is: Who is going to investigate the AER?”

For context, in 2023, Imperial Oil generated $50.7 billion CAD in operating revenue. This means that the AER fine for the biggest spill in Alberta’s history was equal to about 35 seconds worth of the revenue that Exxon-Imperial generates.

Chief Adam is available for comment on this matter.

For more information please contact: Jay Telegdi, 780-881-7062,


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