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AER Decision: Imperial Oil Resources Limited – Application for Kearl Mine’s Tailings Management Plan

by aanationtalk on July 16, 2018693 Views

July 16, 2018

Application 1872083


[1] The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) approves Imperial Oil Resources Limited’s application 1872083, subject to the approval terms and conditions, and issues Oil Sands Conservation Act (OSCA) Approval No. 10829H (appendix 1).

[2] In reaching its decision, the AER considered all relevant material constituting the record of Imperial’s application. The record consists of the application, which includes supplemental information requests; supplemental information filed by Imperial; the statements of concern (SOCs) filed by the Oil Sands Environmental Coalition (OSEC), Fort McKay First Nation (FMFN), Mikisew Cree First Nation (MCFN), McMurray Métis Local 1935 (ML 1935), Métis Nation of Alberta – Region 1 (MNA R1), Métis Nation of Alberta Local Council 1909 Lakeland (ML 1909), and McKay Métis Sustainability Centre (MMSC); and the feedback on draft conditions of approval provided by Imperial and the SOC filers.

[3] References in this decision to specific parts of the record are intended to assist the reader in understanding the AER’s reasoning on a particular matter and does not mean that the AER did not consider all relevant portions of the record with respect to the matter.

[4] This report highlights the AER’s consideration of the application.

Download: AER Decision: Imperial Oil Resources Limited – Application for Kearl Mine’s Tailings Management Plan


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