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Advisory: Contacts for University of Calgary federal election experts

by ahnationtalk on August 6, 2015789 Views

CALGARY, AB–( August 05, 2015) – We have compiled a list of experts at the University of Calgary available to comment on the federal election. Most of these experts are best reached through email but some have listed phone numbers as well. This may be updated as required.

If you are unsure who to contact or have trouble reaching an expert, please contact Media Relations.

Political Scientists:

David Stewart, professor
Key areas of research:
Canadian Politics, Political Parties, Provincial Politics
T: 403-220-6727

Melanee Thomas, assistant professor
Key areas of research:
Political Behaviour, Canadian Politics, Electoral behavior

Anthony Sayers, associate professor (available Aug 10 onwards)
Key Areas of research:
Canadian politics, federalism, electoral systems, political parties
T: 403-220-2703

Paul Fairie, affiliated instructor
Key areas of research:
Data, Canadian politics, political parties

Doreen Barrie, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Key areas of research:
Canadian politics, political parties, Canada-U.S. relations
T: 403-220-3624

Business, energy and political marketing:

Debi Andrus, assistant professor, marketing
Key areas of research:
Political marketing and political branding

James Coleman, assistant professor in Haskayne School of Business and Law
Key areas of research:
Energy law and business
T: 403-220-8913

School of Public Policy:

Within our School of Public Policy there are several experts who can be reached through our director of communications to comment on policy areas including social and economics, energy and environment and international policy.

Experts include:

Jack Mintz, President’s Fellow
Key area of research: taxation and public finance

Robert Mansell, interim director
Key area of research: regional and resource economics

Tom Flanagan, distinguished fellow
Key areas of research: Canadian politics, aboriginal land claims

Ted Morton, executive fellow
Key areas of research: energy, environment and sustainable resources, politics in Alberta

Rainer Knopff, senior fellow
Key areas of research: Canadian politics, justice and human rights issues,

Ronald Kneebone, area director
Key areas of research: economic and social policy

Jennifer Winter, associate area director
Key areas of research: energy and environmental policy, government regulation and policy on the development of natural resources and energy and the consequences of energy development

Kenneth McKenzie, distinguished fellow
Key areas of research: public economics, taxation and resource taxation

For interviews with experts from the School of Public policy, please contact:

Morten Paulsen
Director of Communications
T: 403.220.2540
C: 403-399-3377

The Language of Persuasion:

Julie Sedivy, adjunct associate professor of linguistics and psychology (available Aug 18 onwards)
Key areas of research:
The language and psychology of persuasion in commercial and political contexts; issues pertaining to the choice of language in political campaigns and their possible effects on voters; sub-conscious psychological mechanisms that might affect voting behaviour; and possible ways for citizens to minimize the impact of political spin on their own attitudes. Lead author of the new book, Sold on Language: How Advertisers Talk to You and What This Says About You.

Urban and Alberta issues:

Harry Hiller, sociology professor
Key areas of research:
Urban sociology, in-migration to Alberta, Alberta’s changing population, urban-rural divide, impact of the changing population on politics

Byron Miller, associate geography professor
Key areas of research:
Planning, urban sustainability, urban governance, and urban politics

About the University of Calgary

The University of Calgary is a leading Canadian university located in the nation’s most enterprising city. The university has a clear strategic direction to become one of Canada’s top five research universities by 2016, where research and innovative teaching go hand in hand, and where we fully engage the communities we both serve and lead. This strategy is called Eyes High, inspired by the university’s Gaelic motto, which translates as ‘I will lift up my eyes.’

For more information, visit Stay up to date with University of Calgary news headlines on Twitter @UCalgary. For details on faculties and how to reach experts go to our media centre at

Contact Information

Media Contact
Marina Geronazzo
Manager, Media Relations
University of Calgary
T: 403.220.7722
C: 403.540.6552


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