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A path forward to support Alberta’s workforce

by ahnationtalk on April 20, 2022266 Views

Apr 19, 2022

Alberta’s government is moving forward with investments in job training that will support Albertans on their career path, providing them with the skills needed today and into the future.

Alberta at Work aims to strengthen Alberta’s labour market. It will get more Albertans working in jobs that support their dreams and improve their lives.

“By investing in Albertans at every stage in their career journey, we are not only helping people reach their full potential, we are building an engaged, productive and diverse workforce that meets employers’ needs and creates the economy of tomorrow.”

Jason Kenney, Premier

As part of Alberta at Work, Alberta’s government is investing an additional $23 million over three years in the Canada-Alberta Job Grant. This program helps employers hire Alberta workers, and helps businesses develop the skills they need to grow and diversify. Both unemployed and current employees can benefit if employers are eligible.

An additional $41 million over three years will support Alberta’s Training for Work programs, which are available to service providers working with Albertans who are unemployed or marginally employed. It also supports people receiving income supports and under-represented groups that could include women, Indigenous people and newcomers to Canada.

“Through these critical investments, Albertans will develop job-ready skills and find new opportunities to get their dream job. Employers will find the workers they need. Alberta at Work shows our commitment to grow and diversify Alberta’s workforce, to ensure more people share in Alberta’s successful economic recovery.”

Kaycee Madu, Minister of Labour and Immigration

Through Advanced Education, a $235-million investment over three years will support targeted enrolment growth, new microcredentials and work-integrated learning opportunities, apprenticeship education and additional support for students.

“This initiative is about ensuring all Albertans can be part of, and benefit from, our province’s economic recovery. By making targeted investments that increase seats in high-demand programs and working with industry to understand tomorrow’s labour demands, we are connecting students to fulfilling career paths that are key to Alberta’s economic growth.”

Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Advanced Education

Alberta is also investing $20 million in 2022-23 through Community and Social Services to develop innovative programs to help Albertans who have been unemployed for long periods build their skills and get back on their feet. Program development will happen throughout the spring and summer, and Albertans will be able to access these programs in the fall. These new programs and services will support everyday Albertans and people who have disabilities and other barriers to find employment.

“Alberta’s government has always been the social safety net for Albertans and those benefits will always be there for the most vulnerable. But as part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan, we also want to empower Albertans and help them reach their full potential during this economic boom. Last year, more than 32,000 were able to get back on their feet and leave income support programs. We will continue to invest in jobs and build on this success.”

Jason Luan, Minister of Community and Social Services

“The Alberta at Work initiative ensures young people are supported and engaged in the workforce. By supporting CAREERS: The Next Generation, Alberta youth, ages 15 to 25, can learn about exciting in-demand career opportunities here in our province and experience them firsthand through an education based paid work-integrated learning internship. This helps youth find careers they are passionate about at a younger age, keeps skilled workers in the province, and mitigates future workforce gaps.”

Andy Neigel, president and CEO, CAREERS: The Next Generation

“Today in Alberta there are thousands of people who want jobs, and also thousands of jobs that want people. These announcements are well-targeted policy actions which both business and communities have asked for, that will help clear the path to prosperity for more people.”

Adam Legge, president, Business Council of Alberta

“NAIT appreciates the opportunity provided by the Alberta at Work investment in post-secondary education. This additional funding will support specific programming to help Albertans find meaningful careers while developing the talent needed to grow and diversify Alberta’s economy.”

Laura Jo Gunter, president and CEO, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

“Tech companies routinely say that they need more skilled talent to fuel their growth, which is why the serious funding commitment for skills development in the Alberta at Work strategy is so important for our economy. By developing more work-integrated learning opportunities and supporting upskilling programs, the Alberta government can work with private sector innovators to build a future-ready workforce and meet the demands of the digital economy.”

Brontè Valk, government affairs manager, Council of Canadian Innovators

“The Alberta at Work investment to bolster enrolment is an investment in Alberta’s young people and Alberta’s economic future. High school graduates are applying to the U of A in record numbers. Now we’ll be able to meet that demand while helping Alberta’s businesses, industries, and community organizations access the talent and skills they need to remain competitive.”

Bill Flanagan, President, University of Alberta

“Supporting activities that invest in youth across the breadth of PTW’s 1,500-plus team members is central to our historical, current and future activities. As a leader in the electrical, instrumentation, and steel manufacturing industries, PTW is honoured to participate in a conversation that supports youth in trades in Alberta. This commitment contributes to our success as an organization now and well into the future.”

John Cooper, CEO, PTW Energy Services Ltd.

“We’ve seen the demand for skilled labour increase exponentially in the past year thanks to our steady economic recovery. Labour shortages across sectors remains a critical concern for many employers in the Edmonton region. Investment into programs like “Alberta at Work” will ensure businesses of all sizes can source skilled employees and those jobs stay in Alberta.”

Jeffrey Sundquist, president and CEO, Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

“Investing in our people to help them acquire the skills to excel at work at all stages of their careers is one of the best tools we have to support a future-focused economy. These funding announcements from the Government of Alberta create a stronger foundation for long-term growth and prosperity.”

Brad Parry, president and CEO, Calgary Economic Development

“We are excited to see support for post secondary institutions that will enable more programs aimed at bridging the talent gap, and act as a catalyst to attract new talent, businesses, and industries to Alberta. We can seize opportunities we have in this province by building skills that link directly to our ability to grow our economy, diversify our industries and set the stage for a sustainable and prosperous future.”

Deborah Yedlin, President and CEO, Calgary Chamber of Commerce

Together, these investments will help Albertans find and maintain employment, as well as access specialized training and acquire new skills and update existing ones to help advance their careers.

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