The Canadian Institute of Resources Law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary invites you to the following free, public legal education workshop:
Law of Indigenous Ownership & Projects
An increasing number of Indigenous-owned projects are emerging across all industries throughout Canada. However, despite the proven success and growing demand for these projects, potential ventures must overcome complicated legal considerations across a broad array of fields to succeed. Regardless of the immeasurable benefits for all sides, the breadth and complexity of these challenges have become deterrents.
In their presentation, Thomas Isaac, Jeremy Barretto, and Corinne Grigoriu, Partners at Cassels, Brock & Blackwell LLP, will discuss the intersecting areas of law that impact Indigenous-owned projects. The speakers have recently published The Law of Indigenous Ownership and Projects with Thomson Reuters. The book fills a gap in the existing literature in Canada. This book describes a variety of Indigenous-owned projects and provides a step-by-step legal guide for Indigenous communities, industry, and their respective counsel regarding the law surrounding these projects.
Increased partnerships between Indigenous communities, governments and Canadian society at large are essential as we proceed on our pathway of collective reconciliation. With an approach that replaces conflict with partnership, Indigenous-owned projects can fundamentally change the way we do business.
About the Presenters
Thomas Isaac, Jeremy Barretto and Corinne Grigoriu, who are Partners, at Cassels, Brock & Blackwell, LLP will discuss their book The Law of Indigenous Ownership and Projects, which was published in August 2024 by Thomson Reuters.
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