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First Nations Power Authority 5th Annual Indigenous Green Energy Forum

Event Information
Author pmnationtalk
Start Date/Time 16th Nov Sat AM 6:30 (GMT -7)
End Date/Time 16th Nov Sat PM 9:30 (GMT -7)
Location Edmonton, AB
Type Public

 5th Annual Indigenous Green Energy Forum

November 20, 2019,
River Cree Resort and Casino Event Centre, Enoch Cree Nation
Treaty 6 Territory


6:30 am Pipe Ceremony
Master of Ceremonies – Nicole Robertson, Muskwa Media
8:00 am Registration
9:00 am Grand Entry – Elders, Dignitaries, Chiefs, Board, Staff, Speakers, Sponsors, Dancers, etc.
Opening Prayer – Elder Jim Brule and Beatrice Morin, Enoch Cree Nation
Treaty Territory Welcome – Chief Billy Morin, Enoch Cree Nation, Treaty No.6
9:30 am FNPA Welcome – Felix Thomas, FNPA Chair and Guy Lonechild, FNPA President & CEO
10:00 am ENERGY INVESTMENT – Navigating a Renewable Energy Future Q & A
Peter Tertzakian, Arc Energy Research Institute
11:00 am Health Break
11:10 am The CEO’s PANEL The Future of Energy Infrastructure Investment in Canada
What do leading CEO’s in Canada see for the future in energy infrastructure and the growing interest of renewable energy in Indigenous communities? This panel will explore the path forward for renewable energy development, the impetus for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and energy transformation opportunities for indigenous communities.
Moderator- Francis Bradley, CEO, Canadian Electricity Association
·  Mike Marsh, President and CEO, SaskPower
·  Mike Martelli, President of Renewable Power, Ontario Power Generation
·  John Gorman, President & CEO, Canadian Nuclear Association
12:10 pm Lunch Major sponsor presentation by PowerTec Solar
12:25 pm Henvey Inlet Wind Energy Project- Kyle Hunt, Savanta
1:00 pm An Indigenous CEO’s Perspective
What Benefits Could Equity Ownership in Major Energy Infrastructure do for Indigenous
Communities in Canada

Moderator: Guy Lonechild, FNPA

·  Margaret Kanequanash- CEO of Waytaynikaneyap Power Inc.
·  Sean Willy- CEO of Des Nedhe Development Corporation
·  Stephen Buffalo, President & CEO of IRC Canada

2:30 pm Health Break
Silent Auction Closed
2:45 pm Alberta Powerline Acquisition
Chief Silas Yellowknee, Bigstone Cree Nation
3:15 pm Conference Attendees Open Forum- Emerging Business Opportunities in Canada & GMO Questionnaire

·  Off-Grid Diesel and Renewable Energy Opportunities
·  Industrial Power Generation (Mining, Oil & Gas)
·  Utility Scale
·  Small Scale
·  Transmission Line Development / Off-grid diesel and green energy applications

Moderator: Darren Huculak, FNPA
4:15 pm Minister Rick Wilson of Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation
4:45 pm Closing remarks
Guy Lonechild, FNPA


Chairman’s Gala –Clean Energy Opportunities

November 19, 2019
River Cree Resort and Casino Event Centre, Enoch Cree Nation
Treaty 6 Territory

5:00 PM            Networking Reception and Silent Auction

6:15 pm            Welcome and Prayer

6:20 pm            O Canada by Nico.

6:30 pm            Dinner with Chairman Felix Thomas, and CEO of First Nations Power Authority, Guy Lonechild

7:00 pm            Chairman’s welcoming remarks and introduction of:

·  Darlynn Lavallee, FNPA Engineer in training
·  Jordyn Burnouf, Catalyst 20/20 Saskatchewan Youth Rep
·  Taylor Merasty, Taylor Built Homes

7:30 pm            Angie Bruce, Director General of Indigenous Affairs & Reconciliation

8:00 pm            Entertainment –Curt Young

9:30 pm            Closing remarks


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